Weekly Theme – Chick Lit Romance (From 20th March 2023)

An old book that is opened with a quill pen and ink on top
Weekly theme

Weekly Theme – Chick Lit Romance (From 20th March 2023)

‘Chick Lit’ is a popular genre of fiction that is written primarily for women and often features female protagonists, often in their twenties or thirties, as they navigate their way through relationships, careers and other life challenges. But where did the term originate?

It is thought that the term was first used by British Journalist, Amanda Craig, who used it in a 1996 review of the novel “Ralph’s Party” by Lisa Jewell. She used the term to describe the novel’s light and humorous tone, as well as its focus on the romantic lives of its female characters. But could it be even older than that.

You could possible trace the origins of ‘Chick Lit’ back to the 18th Century, when novels were first written for and by women. These novels known as ‘sentimental fiction’ and were often criticised for their melodramatic plots and unrealistic characters, but they were widely popular with female readers. Jane Austen’s novels such as ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and ‘Sense and Sensibility’ are often considered early examples due to their focus on the lives if women and their romantic relationships.

During the 1990s the ‘Chick Lit’ genre exploded in popularity in the UK with authors such as Helen Fielding (Bridget Jones Diaries) and Sophie Kinsella (Shopaholic Series) who became household names.

So what are the characteristics of a ‘Chick Lit’ novel? The stories are typically told in a lighthearted and humorous tone. They often feature a relatable but flawed protagonist who the readers can root for. Although romance is a common theme, the genre has expanded to include a wide range of topics including family, friendship and self discovery.

Despite its popularity, ‘Chick Lit’ has been the subject of criticism, particularly from feminists who argue that the genre reinforces traditional gender roles and perpetuates stereotypes about women. Some critics have also accused ‘Chick lit’ of being shallow and superficial, with a focus on materialism and consumer culture. However, defenders of the genre argue that ‘Chick Lit’ provides an important space for women’s voices and experiences to be heard and that it can offer valuable insights into the lives and struggles of women.

What do you think?

This weeks theme picks…

A Summer at Sea by Katie Ford

A Summer at Sea is a heartwarming and engaging novel that follows Emily, a midwife who is given the opportunity to work on a cruise ship for the summer. Emily is excited about the opportunity to travel and see the world, but she soon discovers that life on a cruise ship is not as glamorous as she had imagined.

The novel is well-written and Fforde’s attention to detail creates a vivid and realistic portrayal of life on a cruise ship. The characters are well-developed and relatable, particularly Emily who is a strong, independent, and compassionate protagonist.

Throughout the novel, Emily faces a variety of challenges both on the ship and in her personal life, including a difficult romance with a fellow crew member. Fforde skilfully weaves together these plot lines, creating a story that is both engaging and emotionally satisfying.

One of the strengths of A Summer at Sea is its ability to capture the sense of adventure and excitement that comes with traveling to new places. Fforde’s descriptions of the different ports of call and the various activities on the ship are detailed and engaging, making the reader feel like they are right there with Emily.

Overall, A Summer at Sea is a charming and enjoyable read that is perfect for anyone looking for a heartwarming story about love, travel, and personal growth. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys contemporary romance novels or stories about travel and adventure.

After the Rain by Lucy Dillon

After the Rain by Lucy Dillon is a heartwarming and touching novel that explores the themes of loss, family, and second chances. The story revolves around two main characters, Rosie and Kate, who are both struggling to come to terms with the losses they have experienced in their lives.

Rosie is a young woman who has just lost her mother and is trying to navigate the grief and the changes that come with it. Kate is an older woman who has recently lost her husband and is struggling to find her place in the world without him. When Rosie inherits her mother’s house in the countryside, she decides to move there and start a new life. She soon meets Kate, who is her neighbor, and the two strike up an unlikely friendship.

As the story progresses, we see how Rosie and Kate both help each other to heal and move forward from their losses. Through their friendship, they learn to find hope and joy in life again. Along the way, they also encounter other characters who are dealing with their own struggles and challenges, adding depth and richness to the story.

One of the strengths of After the Rain is its well-drawn characters. Each character is unique and fully realized, with their own quirks, flaws, and strengths. The author does an excellent job of making the reader care about them and empathize with their struggles.

Another strength of the book is its beautiful writing. Lucy Dillon’s prose is evocative and lyrical, painting vivid pictures of the countryside and the characters’ inner lives. She also uses metaphors and imagery to great effect, adding depth and meaning to the story.

Overall, After the Rain is a poignant and uplifting novel that will leave readers feeling hopeful and inspired. It is a book about the power of friendship, the resilience of the human spirit, and the healing power of love. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a heartwarming and engaging read.

Eight Perfect Hours by Lia Louis

Eight Perfect Hours is a heartwarming and engaging novel that follows the lives of two strangers, Stella and Jonah, who meet on a train journey from London to Edinburgh. Stella is on her way to visit her terminally ill father, while Jonah is on his way to a job interview.

The novel is well-written, and Louis’ attention to detail creates a vivid and realistic portrayal of the characters’ experiences during the eight hours they spend together on the train. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and Louis’ exploration of their emotions and thoughts is both insightful and moving.

One of the strengths of Eight Perfect Hours is its ability to capture the power of human connection and the ways in which chance encounters can have a profound impact on our lives. The novel is also a poignant exploration of grief and loss and the ways in which we cope with these emotions.

The setting of the novel, the train journey from London to Edinburgh, is beautifully described, and Louis’ descriptions of the passing scenery and the different people on the train are particularly evocative.

Overall, Eight Perfect Hours is a beautifully written and emotionally resonant novel that is perfect for anyone who enjoys stories about the power of human connection and the complexities of the human heart. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys contemporary fiction or stories that explore the intricacies of relationships and the ways in which we cope with loss and grief.

Honey Moon by Amy Jenkins

Honey Moon is an engaging and entertaining novel that follows the lives of two sisters, Bea and Livia, who are both struggling with personal and professional challenges. Bea is a successful businesswoman who has just gotten engaged to her long-time boyfriend, while Livia is a struggling actress who is desperate for a break in her career.

The novel is well-written, and Jenkins’ attention to detail creates a vivid and realistic portrayal of the characters’ lives and the challenges they face. The characters are well-developed and relatable, particularly Bea and Livia, who are both strong, independent, and determined women.

One of the strengths of Honey Moon is its ability to capture the complexities of family relationships and the ways in which they can both support and challenge us. The novel is also a poignant exploration of the ups and downs of romantic relationships and the ways in which we navigate the challenges that come with them.

The setting of the novel, the idyllic Italian island of Elba, is beautifully described, and Jenkins’ descriptions of the natural beauty and the different sights and sounds of the island are particularly evocative.

Overall, Honey Moon is an entertaining and enjoyable read that is perfect for anyone looking for a light-hearted story about love, family, and personal growth. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys contemporary fiction or stories about the complexities of relationships and the human experience.

The Thirty List by Eva Woods

The Thirty List is a heartwarming and inspiring novel that follows the life of Rachel, a thirty-year-old woman who is struggling to come to terms with the disappointments and challenges in her life. After being fired from her job and going through a breakup, Rachel creates a list of thirty things she wants to do before she turns thirty-one.

The novel is well-written, and Woods’ attention to detail creates a vivid and realistic portrayal of the characters’ lives and the challenges they face. The characters are well-developed and relatable, particularly Rachel, who is a strong, independent, and determined woman.

One of the strengths of The Thirty List is its ability to capture the power of setting goals and taking action to achieve them. The novel is also a poignant exploration of friendship and the ways in which we rely on the support of others to overcome challenges in our lives.

The setting of the novel, London, is beautifully described, and Woods’ descriptions of the different neighborhoods and landmarks in the city are particularly evocative.

Overall, The Thirty List is an inspiring and uplifting novel that is perfect for anyone looking for a story about personal growth, self-discovery, and the power of friendship. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys contemporary fiction or stories that explore the complexities of the human experience.

Old damaged books.

An old book that is opened with a quill pen and ink on top
Damaged Books

What to do with old damaged books

Old books are a treasure trove of knowledge, history, and stories that have been passed down for generations. But as much as we love them, they can sometimes become damaged, broken, or can fall apart. This can be a difficult situation for book lovers, as we don’t want to simply throw them away, but we also don’t know what to do with them. In this post, we’ll explore some options for what to do with old books that are broken and falling apart.

  1. Repair and Restore

One option for old books that are falling apart is to repair and restore them. There are many tutorials and online resources available that can guide you through the process of repairing old books. This can include reattaching loose pages, resewing bindings, or even replacing covers. If you’re not confident in your ability to repair the books yourself, you can also look for a professional book binder or restorer who can do the work for you.

  1. Preserve and Protect

Another option for old books that are falling apart is to preserve and protect them. This can involve using archival quality storage materials such as acid-free boxes or Mylar sleeves to protect the books from further damage. It can also involve storing the books in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, which can cause the pages to yellow and deteriorate over time. By taking steps to preserve and protect the books, you can help ensure that they remain intact for future generations to enjoy.

  1. Donate to an Archive or Museum

If you have old books that are historically significant or have cultural value, you may want to consider donating them to an archive or museum. These organisations have the resources and expertise to properly store and preserve old books, and can also make them available to researchers and scholars for study and research. Contact your local archive or museum to find out if they accept book donations and what their guidelines are.

  1. Create Art or Crafts

If you’re feeling creative, you can also repurpose old books that are falling apart into art or crafts. This can include creating collages or mixed media pieces, using the pages to create origami or paper flowers, or even using the covers to create book-themed jewellery. There are countless possibilities for repurposing old books into something beautiful and unique.

  1. Recycle

Finally, if you have old books that are beyond repair or restoration, you can consider recycling them. Many areas have recycling programs that accept paper products, including books. You can also look for specialised book recycling programs, which may be able to use the paper to create new products such as insulation or paper pulp. By recycling your old books, you can help reduce waste and give the paper a second life.

In conclusion, there are many options for what to do with old books that are broken and falling apart. From repairing and restoring them, to preserving and protecting them, to repurposing them into art or crafts, or even recycling them, there are plenty of ways to give new life to old books. Whatever you choose to do, remember that these books are not just objects, but a part of our shared cultural heritage, and it’s important to treat them with care and respect.

The Future of Secondhand Book Selling

An old book that is opened with a quill pen and ink on top
Future Selling

The Future of Secondhand Book Selling

Secondhand book selling has always been a niche market, with a loyal customer base of book lovers who appreciate the value of used books. In recent years, however, the market for secondhand books has grown significantly, thanks in part to the rise of online marketplaces and the growing awareness of the environmental benefits of buying used.

So, what does the future hold for secondhand book selling? Here are some trends to keep an eye on:

  1. Online marketplaces will continue to dominate.

Online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, and AbeBooks and of course, StrangeBooks, have made it easier than ever for buyers to find and purchase used books from anywhere in the world. These platforms provide a wide range of books, competitive pricing, and convenience, which is why they are so popular among book buyers.

For secondhand book sellers, online marketplaces offer a global audience, easy access to buyers, and a level playing field for small and large sellers alike. As online shopping continues to grow, we can expect to see more secondhand book sellers turn to online marketplaces to reach a wider audience.

  1. Sustainability will become more important.

As consumers become more aware of the impact their purchases have on the environment, they are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Buying secondhand books is one way to do this, as it reduces the demand for new books and keeps books out of landfills.

Secondhand book sellers can capitalise on this trend by promoting the sustainability benefits of buying used books. By highlighting the environmental impact of their business, they can attract eco-conscious buyers and build a loyal customer base.

  1. Personalization will be key.

As the secondhand book market becomes more competitive, sellers will need to find ways to stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is by offering personalised recommendations and services.

For example, sellers can create curated collections of books based on a customer’s interests or provide personalised book recommendations based on a customer’s purchase history. By offering personalised services, sellers can build strong relationships with their customers and create a unique selling proposition.

  1. Technology will play a bigger role.

Technology is already changing the way we buy and sell books, and this trend is set to continue. For example, artificial intelligence can be used to improve book recommendations and automate inventory management, while virtual reality can be used to create immersive book-buying experiences.

While technology can make secondhand book selling more efficient and effective, it’s important not to lose sight of the personal touch that makes secondhand book selling so special. The key is to use technology to enhance the buying experience, not replace it.

In conclusion, the future of secondhand book selling looks bright. As more consumers embrace the environmental and economic benefits of buying used books, the demand for secondhand books is only set to grow. By staying on top of the latest trends and technologies, secondhand book sellers can continue to thrive and provide book lovers with the books they love.

Why buy secondhand?

Secondhand books are a treasure trove for readers of all ages. They offer a chance to explore literature at a fraction of the cost of buying new books. But beyond the cost savings, there are several compelling reasons why buying secondhand books is a great idea.


One of the most obvious benefits of buying secondhand books is that they are typically much cheaper than new books. You can often find used books at charity shops, garage sales, and online marketplaces for a fraction of the price of a new copy. This makes it easier to build a library of books without breaking the bank.

Environmental Benefits

Buying secondhand books is also an eco-friendly choice. Every year, millions of trees are cut down to produce new books. When you buy secondhand books, you are giving an old book a new life and reducing the demand for new paper. This can help to reduce deforestation and lower the carbon footprint associated with book production.

Supporting Local Businesses

Many secondhand bookstores are locally owned and operated. By buying from these stores, you are supporting small businesses and keeping money in your community. This can help to create a vibrant local economy and promote a sense of community spirit.

Discovering Hidden Gems

Secondhand bookstores often have a wide variety of books, including rare and out-of-print editions. This can give you the opportunity to discover hidden gems that you may not have found in a new bookstore. You can find books that have been long forgotten or that have not yet been discovered by a wider audience.

Building a Personal Library

10.There is something special about building a personal library of books. When you buy secondhand books, you can create a unique collection that reflects your interests and personality. You can browse through the shelves of a secondhand bookstore and pick out books that speak to you, creating a collection that is truly your own.

In conclusion, buying secondhand books is a great idea for several reasons. It is affordable, eco-friendly, and supports local businesses. Plus, you have the opportunity to discover hidden gems and build a personal library that reflects your interests and personality. So the next time you’re in the market for a new book, consider buying secondhand instead of new. You never know what you might find!

Reading physical books vs eBooks

Reading paper books is a time-honored pastime that has been enjoyed for centuries. Despite the rise of e-books and audiobooks, there is still something special about holding a physical book in your hands and turning its pages. So why is this?

First and foremost, reading paper books allows you to unplug and disconnect from the digital world. With so much of our daily lives spent online, it can be refreshing to take a break from screens and engage with something tangible. Reading a physical book allows you to disconnect from the constant notifications and distractions that come with digital devices, creating a calm and focused environment in which to read.

In addition to the tactile experience, paper books offer a unique visual experience. The cover art, font choice, and layout of a book can all contribute to its overall aesthetic appeal. There is something special about browsing a bookstore or library and discovering a book with a beautiful cover that catches your eye. And, unlike e-books, paper books allow you to easily flip back and forth between pages and reference previous sections or illustrations.

Furthermore, reading a paper book can engage multiple senses. The feel and smell of the paper, the sound of the pages turning, and the weight of the book in your hands all contribute to the reading experience. This multisensory experience can make reading a paper book feel more immersive and engaging.

Reading a paper book can also be a social experience. Sharing books with friends and family can create a sense of community and foster discussions and conversations. There is something special about being able to physically lend a book to someone, or receive one as a gift, that can’t be replicated with digital books.

Finally, reading a paper book can provide a sense of nostalgia and comfort. Many people have fond memories of reading paper books as children, and the act of reading a physical book can evoke those same feelings of warmth and familiarity.

In conclusion, reading paper books is a fun and rewarding experience. The tactile and visual experience, the ability to unplug and disconnect, the multisensory experience, the social aspect, and the sense of nostalgia all contribute to the unique joy of reading a physical book.

So why not pick up a book today and rediscover the simple pleasure of reading on paper?