Monthly Theme

A pile of antique books, some with pages loose.
Monthly Themes

At StrangeBooks, we love celebrating the diversity of literature and encouraging our readers to explore new genres and topics. That’s why we introduce a special “Theme of the Month” every month!

How it Works:

• Each month, we select a unique theme. It could be anything from travel, horror, mystery, romance, history, science fiction, or any other exciting genre or topic.

• All books that fall under the selected theme will be discounted by 10% for the entire month. This is a perfect opportunity to discover new authors, stories, and adventures you might not have considered before.

• The discounted books will be clearly marked and easily accessible through a dedicated section on our website.

Whether you’re a seasoned reader looking to branch out or a newcomer eager to find your next favorite read, our “Theme of the Month” offers a fantastic way to delve into different literary worlds at a special price.

Join us each month and let your reading journey take a new direction with StrangeBooks!

2024 Themes

2023 Themes